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Ship insulation

Modern shipwork industry grows by leaps and bounds, the requirements on safety and comfort are set very high. Each material used for boat insulation must be reliable and follow all regulations of IMO.

Ҵý Marine provides clients with the most suitable marine insulation options for thermal and fire protection, acoustic insulation, marine exhausts, and fuel line insulation. Our application range varies from boats and cruise ships to offshore constructions.

Insulation services we provide:

  • Fireproof insulation – prevents fire spreading.
  • Exhausts insulation – ensures the temperature is stable and your crew is safe.
  • Safe machine rooms – stop the inflammable liquids flow and further ignition.
  • Marine scrubbers – a complete solution to reduce heat losses.
  • Fuel and oil pipes insulation – whether a spray-on or sectional type.
  • Flanges and valves – release the pressurized fluids safely.
  • Sound and thermal insulation – make a life on a vessel more comfortable.

Marine engine noise reduction

Sound vibrations may cause severe damages while spreading across the ship. Taking all this into account we offer a wide range of services on marine engine soundproofing to insulate all the noise coming from the engine.

Marine soundproofing

We offer strong expertise and a range of products for marine noise insulation. Whether you need an indoor or outdoor noise barrier, we have a wide range of services suitable for a specific project.

Marine thermal insulation

Thermal insulation is a must when we talk about the indoor climate and comfort. To reach the optimum temperature while saving some energy, you need to think about the best solution. Together with acoustic and fire insulations, thermal insulation creates an overall comfort and safety basis.

Fire proof doors

The fireproof doors are often used to stop the fire and prevent its spreading from one part of the vessel to another. Ҵý Marine offers custom designs and solutions which meet all requirements and also match the architecture and interior design.

Marine exhaust insulation

Identifying and controlling the heat problems in marine exhaust systems timely is a critical task. To maintain hot exhaust gas at the right temperature you need to install the right marine exhaust wrap or marine exhaust blanket and help the engine work smoothly providing its highest efficiency.

Marine scrubber systems

In accordance with the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the limitation of pollution emissions and exhaust gas cleaning has become a crucial routine. Installing marine scrubbers is the best solution to get rid of sulfur oxides in the ship engine’s exhaust gases and to protect the environment.

Fuel line insulation

Protecting the fuel lines from getting hot is as important as the marine fire insulation. One of the easiest solutions is to use a fuel line heat wrap or fuel line heat shield that works as a thermal barrier. To prevent vapor lock while protecting the engine lines from overheating and damages we recommend installing an insulated fuel line.

Have some questions regarding the marine insulation? Contact us just now and get a high-quality consultation on the best solutions for your project. 


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